Mobile Phone Repeaters
Escalating expansion of the cell phone technology worldwide, there are millions and increasing number of people using this contemporary phenomenon everywhere in the world.
Due to some geographical areas and locations and for other natural or man-made barriers at various locations and areas in the world, huge number of the people and / or subscribers can not establish a connection to the cell phone network or their connection is cut or even in a poor quality, as a result they are deprived of a wide range of facilities, services and donations namely telephone conversation, telecom, SMS, MMS and so on.

Mobile Phone Repeater Model: GPR925-7A
- Very strong Repeater specially designed for indoors such as Shopping malls, Buildings, offices, etc …
- Coverage area depending on installation location 40 to 150 square meters.
Maximum RF output power (7dbm).

Mobile Phone Repeater Model: GPR925-12A
- Very strong Repeater specially designed for: Under ground subway stations, Parking lots, Malls, etc
- Coverage area depending on installation location: 50 to 250 Square meters.
- Maximum RF output power (12dbm).

Repeater Model: WDPR-2000G
- Very powerful repeater, specially designed for indoors, subway stations, Parking lots, Malls and …
- Coverage area depending on installation area: 1000 to 2000 square meters.
- Maximum RF output power:(20dbm).

Mobile Phone Repeater Model: WCR-920G
- This very powerful repeater is specially designed for indoors and outdoors such as Malls, Parking lots, Parks, Meeting rooms, Restaurants, etc.
- Coverage area depending on installation location: 1500 to 2500 square meters.
- Maximum RF output power: (20dbm).
- Minimum RF input signals (-10dbm).

Repeater Model: WRR-30
- Highly powered repeater specially designed for indoors such as Buildings, malls, Subways, Parking lots, restaurants, Meeting rooms, etc …
- Coverage area depending on installation location: 4000 to 6500 square meters.
- Maximum RF output power: (30dbm).
- Minimum RF input signals: (-40dbm).

Repeater Model: WRR-37
- This powerful repeater is specially designed for indoors and outdoors such as shopping malls, parking lots, parks, meeting rooms, restaurants, etc, in which the receiving signal is so weak.
- Coverage area depending on installation location: 5000 to 7000 square meters.
- RF output power: (37dbm).
- Minimum receiving signals: (-40dbm).

Repeater Model WRR-40
- This powerful repeater is specially designed for indoors and outdoors such as shopping malls, subway, under ground parking lots.
- Coverage area depending on installation area: 7000 to 10000 square meters.
- Maximum RF output power (40dbm).
- Minimum receiving input signals (-40dbm).
Car Repeater
Regarding to development of mobile phone users in all over the country some of the mobile users according to their personal and job necessary use the mobile phone in the car while driving and somehow they receive the mobile phone signals hard and encounter with a lot of disconnections in the middle of their speaking through their mobile phone.
Car repeater is a very power full repeater which is specially designed for cars and any kind of vehicles and has ability to solve the problems of incomplete sending and reception of mobile phones signals in the vehicle. The modern technology of this system is very sensitive and it can recognize and strength the least possible mobile signals.
- This unit increases the power of reception of the mobile waves up to 95 times (inside the car).
- Greatly improves cell phone performance while driving, eliminating problem such as unstable reception, unclear vocal quality, difficulty accessing calls and even calls being disconnected.
- Include the state-of-the-art up/down band isolation which ensures good quality of full duplex & transmission.
- Allows the cell phone to automatically operate at a lower power level saving cell phone battery energy and life.
- Prevent any interference from cell phone hinders the intrusion of electronic waves to any other electronic equipment in vehicle (i-e, car stereo, ABS).
- The unit promotes sending signal power up to 10 times as much the usual extent inside the automobile.
- Applying this system in the car (or any vehicle), energy consumption of telephone receiver will be drastically reduced, so this will result in longer battery life.